Even though it seems easy to create your own website nowadays, you’ll definitely need a professional web designer to create your website if you want it to professionally represent your business and also make money for you. In order to hire the right web designer that will help you achieve your goals, you’ll need to ask these very important 3 questions.

Do You Understand SEO ?

It doesn’t seem to make sense to ask a web designer who is only designing your website to know anything about SEO, but it’s very important. Along the way as your business grows the need for SEO will arise, and SEO involves a lot of components which depend primarily on the website design. The website structure and content such as videos or pages such as blog pages that the website designer gets to add to your website will affect the SEO.

What is Included in The Package ?

This is a very important question to ask before you hire a website designer so that you know what to expect once the website is launched. You need to ask where the images for the website will come from and whether they are copyright compliant. Another important question to ask is  whether the website will be responsive on different devices.

How Long Will It Take ?

Answers to this question will vary depending on the web designer and what the whole project entails. The whole process can be very quick depending on how fast you are able to make certain decisions which arise during the design process. However a good web designer will be able to give you an estimated date of when the project is likely to be finished.

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